
Concept map

My Work    A  concept map  is a visual organization and representation of knowledge. It shows  concepts  and ideas and the relationships among them. As a part of our B. Ed curriculum we have to make 2 concept map related to the topics in physics & chemistry from+1/+2.Here I chose the topics from +2.My topics are Semiconductors and Polymers . My concept map is attached below. 👇

Innovative work

 My work Innovation is the practical implementation of ideas that result in the introduction of new goods or services or improvement in offering goods. As a part of B.Ed curriculum there is a provision to do innovative work. As a part of it I have prepared interactive magazine about the topic "metallurgy". As it is the name to explore the content I gave the name EXPLORE to the magazine. May this help the students to think and retain in the memory. This will help students to think and make to recall the things easily and will retain in the memory for long😀


 My Experience......!!! As a part of our B. Ed curriculum we got a chance to practice yoga. It was a great experience. I got a relaxing concentrating time in between these. We got a detailed  class about pranayama, thadasana, vrikshanas, mudras and other asanas or poses. It also give a positive vibe and energy flow in mentally and physically.

Camp ended

 It was a wonderful moment of camp days... Where we make a family a group with lot of fun, activities happiness sorrow etc. Missing the each moment. We learned a lot from the camp. Tolerance , patience, cooperation, love, sacrifice,....Each and every day gave us a lesson it was a wonderful week in the B. Ed life.

Community living Camp

 Camp mode on....😀 As a part of our B. Ed curriculum our 5day camp from tomorrow We are excited in the activities and its output☺️let us enjoy the maximum

Teaching practice completed

 Thus it completed.....!! Our second phase teaching practice also completed by february 19.. In this covid we didn't expected the successful teaching practice. Beyond that we got a chance to improve our talents by peer teaching and online teaching. I tried my best for the improvement. I can now understand the difference in my teaching. Both peer and online teaching helped a lot the self improvement. Other than these self reflection journal, comments and suggestions of peer and my teacher made me  a positive impact in my skills. Thank you all for making me skill improvement😀

Peer teaching completed

 The End.... Yesterday was the last class of peer teaching. Thus 15 peer teaching was completed. Suni teacher observed and supported with positive comments. I felt very happy. Really I feel the improvement in teaching. Really it was a nice experience... Thank you all for supporting this. Special thanks to juniors, our peers, and teachers for their comments, suggestions and for the valuable advice. THANK YOU ALL😀♥️