My E content preparation


            Wide varieties of digital materials which are of educational significance are available online. Some of the quality materials which are available free of cost or with minimum restrictions can be used, re-used and modified by teachers and students for their teaching and learning.  As textbooks are too expansive, the students are switching from textbooks to digital course materials. These materials provide both teachers and students a greater interactivity and social collaboration. One of the materials which can be designed and developed used, re-used and distributed is e-content. 

        E-content is becoming popular because of it’s flexibility of time, place and pace of learning. E-content includes all kinds of content created and delivered through various electronic media. E-content is available in many subjects and almost all levels of education. It can be used by wide variety learners with diverse needs, different backgrounds, and previous experience and skill levels. It can be shared and transmitted easily and promptly among unlimited number of users around the world. Teachers, students and others get benefited by the use of well designed and developed e-content. It is advantageous to the educational organizations to make their program accessible to their teachers and students on campus, home and other community learning or resource centers.  It has a significant implications for open and distance learning institutions.

As apart of our B.Ed curriculum we have to do an e content  for  the student learning.

Here I selected topic "MAGNETISM" for the students of grade VIII. Through this content  student  can understand basics of magnetism. 

Iam attaching the link of uploaded video 

Magnetism youtube

For more interaction I used h5p tool to make interactive mcq while learning content, given below is the link of h5p interactive video.

Magnetism Interactive Video


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