Song composition

As a part of B.Ed composition  is a work on art education. Here I made a song based on the topic in chemistry. 


The World full of matter
The world is full of matter...

Matters are made up of small particle small particle (2)
Small particle called as an atom... atom (2)
World is full of atom
The world is full of atom..
Atoms are small particle (2)

Atoms made up of particles.. (2)
Proton electron and neutron
Ohhh ohh...
Proton,  electron and neutron 
Proton takes a charge....
Oh! Proton takes a charge
Its pos..itive posi..tve . 
Rutherford discovered proton (2) 
Proton seen inside nucleus

Electron takes a charge
Oh! Electron takes a charge
Its negi.. tive negitive
JJ thomson  discovered  electron
JJ thomson discovered electron
Electron seen outside  nucleus

Neutron is a neutral
Neutron is a neutral
No for neuton
No for neuton
Chadwick discovered neutron
 Chadwick discovered  neutron 
Neutron seen inside nucleus


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